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STICK O’ MEDIA was founded by Jacob Quintana in 2016. He started it with story ideas and character designs. It wouldn’t be until 2020 until the STICK O’ MEDIA you know today would take shape and form. In 2020, Jacob made STICK O’ MEDIA official with the creation of the official website. He also made the STICK O’ MEDIA YouTube channel. Since then it has grown and sooner or later the name STICK O’ MEDIA will be known everywhere, hopefully.


About STICK O’ MEDIA Entertainment

Jacob Quintana or Jake was always creative… but he had nowhere to put all his creations… Thus in 2016 he decided to create STICK O’ MEDIA Entertainment. He then made the original website where he can post his art, stories and ideas… This site is long gone. It wouldn't be until 2020 that his STICK O’ MEDIA would become official. With the creation of the official YouTube channel he was ready to do big things.

He and some friends started a talk show called ULTIMATE The Show, where they would make fun of the latest trends, topics and news. But in 2021, Jake was on his own and with no way to get with his friends for more ULTIMATE. So using his creativity he started a new batch of series starring himself, Jake, as the main protagonist such as Jake The Player and VidMotion Review. Only time will tell what STICK O MEDIA will do next...


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